This article walks Canvas administrators through setup of the Canvas LTI integration with BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr., BrainPOP ELL, and/or BrainPOP Science.
What You'll Need
Installing BrainPOP (3-8+)
Installing BrainPOP Jr., ELL, and/or Science
Using the Tool in Canvas
Next Steps
Frequently Asked Questions
What you'll Need
- A paid School or District plan including at least one of the following products: BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr., BrainPOP ELL, BrainPOP Science
- Administrator access to Canvas
- The configuration URL listed in the Canvas EduAppCenter (for BrainPOP only) or the launch URL below (for BrainPOP Jr., ELL, and/or Science)
- Your Key and Secret (If you do not know your key and secret, please Contact Us)
Installing BrainPOP (3-8+)
For our BrainPOP 3-8+ product, we have an installable app in Canvas.
- In Canvas, click Courses, then choose a course.
- Click Settings.
- Click on the Apps tab, then search for "BrainPOP".
- Click on the BrainPOP app then click Add App.
NOTE: Installing the BrainPOP app will only allow access to BrainPOP 3-8+. BrainPOP Jr., ELL, and/or Science will have to be added separately as manual entry apps.
- Enter your Consumer Key and Shared Secret, then click Add App. To get your Key and Secret, contact us.
The BrainPOP app will now appear on your course dashboard.
Teachers can use the tool in different ways in Canvas. It can be embedded in an Assignment, or in a Module within the Canvas course.
NOTE: Removing the "?tool=yes" string from the Launch URL in the BrainPOP app settings will disable the topic selector feature when BrainPOP is used as an external tool, and provide SSO to the BrainPOP homepage instead.
Installing BrainPOP Jr., ELL, and/or Science
For BrainPOP Jr., ELL, and Science, you will need to create a new manual LTI tool.
As manual LTI tools, they will not be placed in the course sidebar, but can be selected in assignments as external tools.
- From your course settings, go to the Apps tab and click 'View App Configurations.'
- Click the + App button to create a new manual tool.
- You should set the fields as follows:
- Configuration Type: Manual Entry
- Name: BrainPOP Jr./ELL/Science (as appropriate)
- Consumer Key & Secret: Contact Us
- Launch URLs
BrainPOP Jr.:
BrainPOP Science:
- Domain:
- Privacy: Public
Because this is only set up as an external tool, it will not show up in the course sidebar, but it can be accessed as an external tool while creating an assignment, as shown below.
Using the External Tool in Canvas
Teachers can use BrainPOP, Jr., ELL and Science as external tools in Canvas. BrainPOP 3-8+ content can be embedded directly in assignments (if the admin has left the topic selector enabled), and the other sites (Jr., ELL, and Science) can be utilized as follows.
- To embed in an Assignment, click Add Assignment. Add a title and instructions to the body of the assignment.
- Scroll down to submission type and select External Tool. Then click Find, and select the BrainPOP tool.
- After adding the Assignment title and desired detail, click Save.
- If you are accessing the BrainPOP tool, the topic selector for BrainPOP will appear. (Alternatively, if you are using BrainPOP Jr., ELL, or Science, or if your administrator has configured the tool to launch to the homepage, you will see the corresponding homepage.)
Choose a topic by searching with keywords, or browsing the subject areas. - After selecting your topic, you can publish your assignment. When the assignment is accessed, the teacher or student will be launched and logged into the selected topic page.
Rich Content Editor
The BrainPOP 3-8+ Canvas app can also be included in the RCE (rich content editor) toolbar. As an admin, you can enable use of this by setting the RCE toggle to 'on' next to the BrainPOP app on your app configurations page.
Teachers can use the RCE toolbar to select and embed BrainPOP 3-8+ topic LTI links directly into their Canvas assignments, rather than selecting the external tool submission type below the editor.
1. Click on BrainPOP in the RCE toolbar to bring up a modal with our topic selector.
2. Select a topic to embed a link in the assignment.
3. After publishing, the link will provide SSO directly to the selected topic.
Next Steps
Now that the integration has been set up, teachers can create their accounts.
Frequently Asked Questions
We already have an SSO integration set up with Google SSO or Clever. Can we set up an LMS integration, too?
Unfortunately, we can only support one back-end integration with BrainPOP at once. Subscribers who are initially set up with one SSO and attempt to access via another may result in the creation of duplicate accounts. We recommend that you only set up one integration at a time, but if you are considering changing your integration, please let us know and we'll be happy to help.
There are teachers and students in my school/district already using individual accounts. When I set up the integration, can they continue using their existing individual accounts, or do they need to create new ones via the LMS?
When teachers who already have individual accounts use the LTI app for the first time, they will be prompted to match their existing individual accounts to their LMS identities. They will not need to create new accounts, and they will not lose any of their classes or assignments.
Students cannot be matched, unfortunately, since we do not collect student data. You'll need to create new student accounts via the new Canvas integration.
Can I use the LTI tool to launch directly into a feature within a topic?
Not at this time. Currently the launch is configured for topics, but we're considering enabling feature-level launches for the future.