This article illustrates the procedure for integrating BrainPOP with a school LMS using LTI integration. This provides your students and teachers the convenience of Single Sign-On (SSO) and auto-creation of individual educator and student accounts.
What You'll Need
LTI Overview
Set Up a Manual LTI Integration
Set Up an LTI Integration with Classlink
Set Up an LTI Integration with Classlink/OneRoster API
Set Up an LTI Integration with Canvas
Set Up an LTI Integration with Schoology
Set Up an LTI Integration with Safari Montage
Set Up an LTI Integration with Moodle
Next Steps
Frequently Asked Questions
What You'll Need
- A paid School or District plan including at least one of the following products: BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr., BrainPOP ELL, BrainPOP Science
- LMS or other learning platform that supports external LTI 1.0 tools
- A key and secret, which we can provide when you contact us.
- If you are setting up a tool on the district level, you'll need your school Educator Codes: Create Educator Accounts with Educator Codes
LTI Overview
Administrators for Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and other learning platforms can set up LTI 1.0 external tools with BrainPOP.
Our LTI integration provides single sign-on (SSO), individual account provisioning, and the embedding of BrainPOP topics into course materials for your teachers and students.
The BrainPOP LTI tool can be configured to launch SSO to the BrainPOP homepage, or it can launch to a topic selector which allows teachers to add specific topics to course materials. BrainPOP Jr., BrainPOP ELL, and BrainPOP Science tools are configured to launch SSO to their respective site homepages.
Tools can be set up on the school or the district level.
Set Up a Manual LTI Integration
Instructions for some popular LMS applications and learning platforms can be found in our Help Center, but if you don't see your application in this article you can still set up LTI tools as long as your application supports the LTI 1.0 standard.
You'll need to contact us for the key and secret for your school or district. You will also need the host URL for the BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr., BrainPOP ELL, and/or BrainPOP Science LTI tools.
- BrainPOP Host:
- BrainPOP Jr. Host:
- BrainPOP ELL Host:
- BrainPOP Science Host:
The BrainPOP LTI tool can be configured to launch SSO to the BrainPOP homepage, or it can launch to a topic selector which allows teachers to add specific topics to course materials.
The BrainPOP Host URL above will launch to the BrainPOP topic selector as seen below.
Removing “tool=yes” sets the integration up to provide SSO to the main BrainPOP homepage. BrainPOP Jr., BrainPOP ELL, and BrainPOP Science tools are configured to launch SSO to their respective site homepages. The topic selector is not available for these sites.
NOTE: We recommend sharing names and teacher email addresses with this tool, and setting activities to launch in a separate tab (rather than embedding on the page).
When you have completed setting up the tool, consult the following articles to see how teachers create their accounts and then set up classes and students:
Set Up an LTI Integration with Classlink
If you intend to use Classlink with OneRoster API with automatic rostering and nightly provisioning, see this article: Set Up a Classlink/OneRoster API Integration
1. In the ClassLink Management Console, click on Applications, then Add & Assign Apps.
2. Click Add.
3. Enable the Single Sign-On App toggle, then under Type, select LTI v1.0, then click the Add button.
4. Fill out the application form.
For Launch URL, you can input: if you are setting up an integration for BrainPOP. if you are setting up an integration with BrainPOP Jr. if you are setting up an integration with BrainPOP ELL. for setting up an integration with BrainPOP Science.
The Resource Link ID should be set to sso, User ID should be set to User SourcedId and the Lis person contact email primary should be set to ON. For your oAuth Consumer Key and oAuth Consumer Secret, contact us.
5. Once you've configured your LTI application, click Save. Your app is ready to be assigned and tested.
Set Up an LTI Integration with Classlink/OneRoster API
If your district/school uses Classlink Launchpad with OneRoster API, we support full rostering and nightly updates. For setup instructions, see this article: Set Up a Classlink/OneRoster API Integration
Set Up an LTI Integration with Canvas
For setup instructions, see this article: Set Up an LTI Integration with Canvas
Set Up an LTI Integration with Schoology
For setup instructions, see this article: Set Up an LTI Integration with Schoology
Set Up an LTI Integration with Safari Montage
We support an LTI integration with Thin Common Cartridge with Safari Montage. For setup instructions, see this article: Set Up an LTI Tool with Safari Montage
Set Up an LTI Integration with Moodle
- To set up the BrainPOP LTI tool in Moodle, go to the course for which you would like to set up the tool. Make sure editing is turned on for your course.
- Click +Add an activity or resource.
- Click External Tool.
- For Tool URL, enter the launch link for SSO to our homepage: For Consumer Key and Shared Secret, enter in your shared key and secret, which we can provide upon request.
- Click Save and Display.
- The external tool is all set up. When students and teachers click on the BrainPOP activity link in your course, they should be able to access BrainPOP through the LTI tool.
Next Steps
Once you've completed setup, teachers can create their accounts.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I set up an LTI integration for my school if I already have an BrainPOP integration set up with another platform like Clever or Classlink?
We strongly recommend users have just one integration running for their school at time, as students who use one integration option may lose access to their work if they log in with another.
Is it possible to set up a Classlink integration without the OneRoster component?
It is possible to set up the LTI integration with BrainPOP using the above parameters, but we recommend schools take advantage of the Classlink+OneRoster integration, as teachers, students, and class periods will be preprovisioned and nightly syncs between OneRoster and our site will take place.