Educators with individual accounts can view assignments, track students' progress on assignments, and grade & give feedback on students work.
NOTE: If you purchased a Teacher Plan, assignment features are not available.
What You'll Need
View Assignments
Track Progress on Assignments
Edit Assignments
Unassign Assignments
Free Submits
Duplicate Assignments for Other Classes
Grade and Give Feedback
Manage Shared Assignments
Frequently Asked Questions
What You'll Need
- An individual teacher account included in a School or Homeschool plan
- At least one class with students to receive assignments
- At least one assignment previously created
View Assignments
To view your assignments, log in with your individual educator account and click Dashboard at the top. You’ll find your most recently created assignments on the Dashboard, but to view them all, click All Assignments.
Track Progress on Assignments
Click an assignment’s title to view progress on the assignment. You’ll see a table listing students’ names, links to their work, and their scores.
If your assignment has multiple parts, you’ll see them listed in a column on the left; click a specific part to view your class’ progress on it.
Edit Assignments
Editing Assignment Drafts
Click Edit in the 3-dots menu on the assignment tile in your Teacher Dashboard to edit a draft assignment.
Everything in a draft assignment can be edited by the teacher who created the draft.
Co-teachers cannot edit draft assignments created by their fellow teachers. Co-teachers can only edit published assignments in shared classes. This is to prevent co-teachers from making changes to assignments that might be assigned to multiple classes that aren’t shared with them.
Editing Published Assignments
To edit a published assignment, click the Edit button on the Assignment Progress page, or click the Edit button in the 3-dots menu on the assignment tile in the dashboard.
When you click the Edit button, you will be brought to the final step of the Assignment Builder page. You can update the assignment to assign it to specific students, change the title, instructions, due date, the date it's scheduled to be assigned, or add or remove activities.
You cannot edit the class the assignment has been assigned to. If you want to assign it to another class, you can duplicate the assignment.
Editing Learning Activities
Teachers and/or co-teachers can remove learning activities from a published assignment. When an activity is removed from an active assignment, all student work for that activity will turn into free submit activities, which can be found on the page for your class in the dashboard.
If you try to remove ALL learning activities, you’ll see a warning that you need at least 1 activity in a published assignment. You’ll also have the option to delete the assignment.
Deleting Assignments
You can now delete assignments & assignment drafts from the teacher dashboard.
Deleting Assignment Drafts
You can delete an assignment draft by clicking the Delete button in the 3 dot menu on the assignment tile.
Deleting Published Assignments
You can delete published assignments with the delete button in the 3 dot menu on the assignment tile, or the delete button at the top of the assignment progress page.
When a published assignment is deleted, any associated submitted student work will be converted to free submits, and all student notifications about this assignment will be deleted.
Unassign Assignments
You can unassign an assignment from the class it's assigned to, or unassign it from specific students. This will remove the assignment from the Assignments tab in the student Dashboard.
- When viewing the Assignment list, click the three dots next to the assignment you want to unassign and click Edit.
You'll return to the assignment builder. Scroll down and click Edit Class to go to the class and student selection step.
- Uncheck the boxes next to the classes you want to unassign from. You can unassign only from some students by clicking 'Select specific students' and unchecking the boxes next to the students you wish to remove the assignment from.
- Click Next to continue updating the assignment as usual.
Any students who have had the assignment unassigned from them will no longer see it in the Assignments tab of their Dashboard. Any results from students that were previously submitted to you as part of the assignment will remain visible to you when viewing work for your class. Those will now appear as free submissions.
Free Submits
- Free Submits are any assignment features completed by students outside of an assignment submitted to your class.
- If you are trying to locate work that a student has submitted that isn't appearing in your Assignments view, we recommend checking Free Submits to track down any work that may have been completed a different way.
Duplicating an Assignment for Another Class
After an assignment has been shared with students, you can duplicate the assignment and assign it to additional classes.
- Click the three dots next to the assignment and then click Duplicate.
- You'll see that the assignment you are editing is a duplicate. You can make any modifications needed, including choosing new classes or students to assign it to.
- Follow the same process you would to create a new assignment.
Grade and Give Feedback
You can give comments and scores on open-ended activities students have submitted to you. Click an assignment straight from the Dashboard or click the title of a feature or assignment from the class page. You’ll see a table listing your students with links to their work. This page also includes an Export Grades link to download a CSV of scores for the entire assignment.
Click View Work next to a student’s name. You’ll see the student’s submission, along with a field to leave optional feedback and a numerical score. (Note: The feedback feature is not available for movies and quizzes.)
You can use the dropdown menu of students’ names to navigate directly to their submissions and leave feedback, or use the arrows next to the student name to move on to the next student or back the previous one.
Manage Shared Assignments
We provide automated co-teacher rostering to School Plan customers that also use our Clever and Classlink/OneRoster API integrations. If your school is set up with one of these integrations, co-teachers with teacher roles in Clever or OneRoster API will be automatically rostered by each nightly sync.
When you assign work to a class that is shared with co-teachers, the assignment will become a shared assignment. You'll see the Shared icon next to the class name in the assignment tile.
You'll also see which teacher last edited the assignment, and when. You can see the same information when viewing the Assignment Progress.
When you edit a shared assignment, the changes you make will also be applied to the assignment for all co-teachers.
All co-teachers can give feedback and grade shared assignments, with all feedback and grades being reflected on the assignment for each co-teacher in the class.
When you unassign a shared assignment, you will become the owner of the remaining assignment draft, and your co-teachers will no longer be able to view or edit the assignment draft. Drafts cannot be shared.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I delete old assignments from my Teacher Dashboard?
You cannot delete assignments while they are assigned to a class, but you can delete assignment drafts. If you truly need to delete an assignment entirely after it has been given to the class, you can turn it back into a draft by unassigning it. Then you can click the three dots next to the draft and click Delete.
Can I delete a student's assignment results when viewing a particular assignment?
You cannot delete a student's assignment results. The assignment results will only show the original score for the student's submission to the assignment.
Can I reassign an assignment for a student to retake it?
If you'd like a student or students to repeat an assignment, we recommend duplicating the assignment and assigning it to the specific student or students.
If I assign a student work, but they submit the work to me again after they originally submitted their assignment, where can I see those results?
The Assignment View and CSV download will only include the student's original score or results for the assignment. In the event that the student completes the activities again, you can find their results by going to view all work in that class, then viewing work by the activity, and looking for the free submissions, rather than the assignments.
What if my student did not receive the assignment?
If for some reason a student does not receive an assignment, you can assign it after the fact by editing the assignment itself. To do this, go to the Teacher Dashboard, click on the three dots next to the assignment, and click Edit.
Click Assign to specific students and select the student(s) who are missing. Then, click Update. The student(s) should now have the assignment.