Students with individual accounts can view and manage their assignments from their Assignments page. Learn more about creating an individual student account here.
View Upcoming Assignments
Completing an Assignment
Clearing Assignments
Viewing Assignments
Students with individual accounts can see their current, overdue, and completed assignments for the classes they are enrolled in. Learn more about enrolling in classes here.
To view their assignments, students can:
Log in with their individual accounts and click Dashboard.
Click the Assignments icon.
Students can click on All in the Classes panel to see assignments from all classes, or click on a class name to filter assignments by class. Students can click an assignment's title to navigate to the assignment and complete it.
To-Do Section
In the To Do section, assignments are ordered by due date, with the most recent at the top. If the assignment has a due date, it’s shown in the To-Do section until after midnight of the user’s local time. After that, it will appear in the Late section. If the assignment does not have a due date, it’s shown in To-Do until the assignment is submitted.
Late Section
Incomplete assignments with a due date appear in this section after midnight in the user’s local time. Assignments are ordered by due date, with most recent at the top.
Done Section
The most recently submitted work appears at the top of the list. Students can see when assignment was submitted and whether there’s teacher feedback.
Completing an Assignment
From the Dashboard
Once a student selects any assignment on the list, they are brought to the assignment landing page. Here the student can see the items that are a part of the assignment. By clicking the Go button on any of the items, they can load up the feature and complete the assigned work.
When a student selects an item to work on, they'll navigate to the assignment page. From there, they can click Show Details to expand a "drawer" that shows each part of the assignment, and navigate between the different parts as they're ready.
Once a portion of the assignment is finished, a green 'Done' notification will appear at the top of the section.
From the Topic Page
Another way students can complete an assignment on BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr, or ELL is by navigating to a topic that has assigned activities. The 'To Do' indicator will appear on any feature tiles that have been assigned.
When a student clicks on a feature tile that’s been assigned, they can click Go to be taken to their assignment.
From here, students land on that feature page with the assignment drawer, and can work through their assignment.
If the movie is assigned on BrainPOP Jr., when a student clicks the Play button, they will see the assignment modal appear over the movie. Clicking Go will take them to the movie where they can complete their assignment.
Moving Assignments to 'Done'
Once an assignment is completed in its entirety, it will automatically move to done. That said, sometimes teachers might give an assignment where students do not have to complete all the parts (i.e. an extra credit activity).
In this case, a student may be done with an assignment without having completed everything, and it will remain on the student’s To-do page. Students can manually clear the assignment off of their dashboard by clicking Submit to Teacher once they’ve completed at least one activity in the assignment. The assignment will be then moved into the Done section.