After students have completed investigations within a Unit, teachers have the opportunity to assign Quizzes.
Quizzes are assessments which are aligned to a single topic, and are designed to provide teachers and administrators with actionable insights into student proficiency and support student success on state assessments.
Assigning a Quiz
Completing a Quiz
Quiz Reports
Assigning a Quiz
Assigning a quiz is just like assigning an Investigation. First, navigate to the unit page for that particular unit and choose the "Quizzes" tab. Click the assessment you want to use.
On the assessment page, click “Assign This Quiz.”
In the assignment builder, select a class to assign the quiz to and select specific students if desired. Optionally, pick a date to schedule the assignment to appear and/or a due date.
Please note that you can only assign an assessment from the Unit page in BrainPOP Science - you can't assign it from your dashboard.
The assignment will show up on your students' dashboard on the scheduled date (or immediately if no date is chosen)!
Completing a Quiz
When a student logs in, they will see a notification on the Utility Bar letting them know that they have a new assignment. When they click on this assignment, they will be taken to the quiz on the Student Dashboard, as shown above.
When they click Go, they can begin the quiz. Depending on how it was assigned by the teacher, the student will be given either the Review or the Graded version of the quiz.
The student will then complete all the questions within the quiz.
The student will get a confirmation upon completing and submitting a quiz. The results can be found in the Teacher Dashboard!
Quiz Reports
You can view your class’s results for each quiz on the teacher report. To find the report, click the assignment link under the Assignments section on your teacher dashboard.
Here is an example report:
Elements to note here:
Assessment Status – displays a summary of how many students have Done, Not Done, or have not been assigned the Quiz. Students must submit the assignment as ‘done’ for it to count here.
Trends – This section shows various trends that help the teacher identify if/how their students are meeting expectations (or not).
The dropdown (e.g. “Disciplinary Core Ideas”) allows the teacher to choose which dimension to display in the chart to the right (e.g., DCIs, SEPs, CCCs, or PEs). Note that the language used here is NGSS language, so non-NGSS states will show different terms in the dropdown.
Dynamic text that explains how the class is meeting or not meeting expectations, based on the scores (e.g. "Your class is meeting expectations for [standard X, Y], your class is exceeding expectations for [standards A, B]")
The bar chart on the right will show percentages of the class that fit into one of the 4 buckets of performance: Exceeding Expectations (score 90+), Meeting Expectations (75-90), Standards Nearly Met (50-75), or Standards Not Met (below 50).
Clicking on the standards on the Y-Axis of the chart (ESS1-2) will update the chart to reflect performance on that particular standard.
Student Performance – This section shows a table of all students how they scored on the Quiz as well as how they did on individual standards
The table can be sorted by any column, allowing the teacher to quickly diagnose where there are problems and which students are struggling on what standards.
Choosing a different dimension of standards in the dropdown will update the column headers to reflect the standards selected in the dropdown.