Every BrainPOP ELL lesson includes three movies: a main movie, a vocabulary movie, and a grammar movie. Each BrainPOP ELL movie introduces 12-15 new vocabulary words and a grammar topic modeled through the conversation, animation, and storyline.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are BrainPOP ELL movies closed captioned?
Yes. All BrainPOP movies have a closed-caption option. While the movie is playing, click CC in the movie player controls to toggle the closed-captions on or off.
Is there any way to slow down the speed of the movies?
Yes. Click the gear icon in the movie player controls while the movie is playing. You can choose from two speeds: original and slower.
Is there any way to reduce the resolution of the movies?
Yes. Click the gear icon in the movie player controls while the movie is playing. You can choose two quality levels: high and low. The low quality version reduces the resolution of the movie without significantly affecting image quality. Both can be seen in the image below.
Do BrainPOP ELL movies have transcripts?
Each lesson’s main movie has a transcript. You can access them by clicking Transcript below the movie. The grammar and vocabulary movies for lessons do not yet have transcripts.
How do I cite a BrainPOP ELL movie?
To create a citation for an individual movie on BrainPOP ELL, you can use the MLA style for websites. The format is:
“Lesson Title.” BrainPOP, Date Viewed, URL.
For example, to reference the Personal Pronouns movie after watching it on January 15, 2018, the reference would be:
“Personal Pronouns.” BrainPOP, 15 Jan. 2018, https://ell.brainpop.com/level1/unit1/lesson1/.