District level administrators are able to set content controls for their district in their administrator dashboard. These content controls can apply to students and teachers separately.
Managing Content
What Admins See
What Teachers See
What Students See
Managing Content
To access the content control settings:
Log in to BrainPOP and go to the Admin Dashboard.
Click Content Management in the upper right corner of the dashboard.
Here you can search for topics that you’d like to filter.
How To Filter
Use the search bar to find a topic, or select the sensitive content button to browse topics with our sensitive content label.
A note on “Sensitive Content”: We add a “Sensitive Content” label to topics that adults may want to preview before sharing with students. Specifically topics that may contain detailed descriptions of: violence; human sexual development or reproduction; drugs and alcohol abuse; or emotionally sensitive content that may be upsetting or harmful to some students due to their personal experiences or identity.
Once you’ve selected a topic, you can:
View the topic page to watch the movie & view the associated resources
View the standards associated with the topic
To filter:
Select the grades or ages that should be able to access the topic. Deselect the grades or ages that should not be able to access the topic.
Note: This will not affect teachers' ability to access the topic. You can filter teacher access in the next step.
If you would also like to prevent teachers in those grades from accessing the topic, turn the teacher toggle to off. If you leave the toggle set to on, teachers will still be able to see the filtered topic, but will not be able to assign it.
Click “Save” to update your settings.
Filtered topics will appear in Your Content Settings list.
Watch a demo of the tool below!
What Admins See
Admins (and teachers with admin permissions) will always be able to view all topics, but will be notified on the topic page if a topic is filtered.
Admins who have classes in a grade level that is affected by the filter will see the Limited Student Access message on the topic page (shown below) and will not be able to assign the topic to those classes. They can still assign the topic to classes in grade levels that are not affected.
Admins who do not have classes affected by the filter will experience the topic page as normal and will be able to assign the topic to their classes.
If the teacher toggle is disabled so that teachers cannot view filtered topics, admins will see the Limited Student Access message on the topic page.
What Teachers See
If the teacher toggle is enabled so that teachers can view filtered topics:
Teachers who have classes in a grade level that is affected by the filter will see the Limited Student Access message on the topic page (shown below) and will not be able to assign the topic to those classes. They can still assign the topic to classes in grade levels that are not affected.
Teachers who do not have classes affected by the filter will experience the topic page as normal and will be able to assign the topic to their classes.
If the teacher toggle is disabled so that teachers cannot view filtered topics:
Teachers who have classes in a grade level that is affected by the filter will not see the topic appear on the subject or unit pages. If they click on the topic from typing in the search bar or go directly to a topic URL, they will be redirected to the Restricted Content page (shown below).
Teachers who have some classes that are affected and some classes who aren’t will see the Limited Student Access message on the topic page and will not be able to assign the topic to those classes. They can still assign the topic to classes in grade levels that are not affected.
Teachers who do not have classes affected by the filter will experience the topic page as normal and will be able to assign the topic to their classes.
Restricted Content page
Limited Student Access message
What Students See
Students who are in classes in a grade level that is affected by the filter will not be able to see the topic appear in browse. If they click on the topic from search or go directly to a topic URL, they will get redirected to a restricted content page.
Students who are not in classes affected by the filter will experience the topic page as normal and will be able to receive assignments for that topic.
How can district & school administrators co-manage settings?
District administrators can manage settings across all schools in their district. You can choose to apply settings to the entire district or to specific schools on a topic-by-topic basis.
When a topic level setting is applied to a whole district (i.e. filter “Dogs” for grades K-5), school admins can view but cannot edit it.
If a district admin only applies a setting for certain schools within the district, school admins are able to edit those settings for their individual school by adjusting the grades in the filter or removing it altogether.
School administrators can also create unique settings for their school in addition to settings from the district. Both school and district administrators can view and edit these settings at any time.
How do you determine grade levels?
We determine grades by the classes that teachers and students are in. Grades may be set automatically if you use Clever or Classlink/OneRoster for automatic rostering, or they may be set manually by teachers.
- If a teacher spans multiple grades, we apply the highest grade they are in to determine their access.
- If a student spans multiple grades, we apply the highest grade they are in to determine their access.
- If a student has no grades associated with them, we apply all of the content filter rules to that student.
For help setting class grade levels manually, see our Managing Classes article for teachers.
How can I see each student’s grade?
In the admin dashboard, go to the Students tab and look at the "Grade" column. These grades are read-only, and cannot be edited. Grade levels are set by the grade levels of the classes the student is in, so any changes that need to be made should be made to the classes.
Why do I need Grad Year if there is a Grade column?
The graduation year is the expected year the student will graduate from 12th grade, but there may be students who are in classes whose grade levels are different from the grad year they have listed. For the best support and flexibility, the grade level is set by the classes the student is in rather than being set based on the inputted graduation year.
Why can I edit the graduation year, but not the grade?
You may edit the Grad Year directly in the admin dashboard or via CSV upload, but Grade is determined by the classes the student is in, so any changes that need to be made should be made to the classes.
How can I troubleshoot filtering issues for a specific student?
In the Students tab, use the search bar to look up the given student. You can see the classes the student is in by clicking into the student’s name.
If a student is able to see content that should be filtered for them, it’s most likely their grade level is higher than it should be. If they are not seeing content that they should have access to, it’s most likely that their grade level is lower than it should be.
Remember that the grade level for students is set by the highest grade level of the classes they are in.
So if a student’s grade as displayed in the dashboard is higher than it should be, one of their classes is probably set to a higher grade level than the grade they are in.
Likewise, if their grade is lower than it should be, then at least one of their classes is probably set to a lower grade level than the grade they are in, or has no grade level.
So if a class’s grade level is incorrect, what do you do? That depends on the method you use to create classes.
If you use Clever or Classlink/OneRoster for automatic rostering: Grade level information comes from the data you send us. You should check your SIS and make sure all class grade levels are correct.
If your teachers create classes with Google Classroom or manually with class codes: The grade level of a class is set by the teacher in Class Settings. You will need to ask the teacher of the class to go to their teacher dashboard and change the grade level. See our Managing Classes article for help!