Our minimum requirements to use BrainPOP and its features can be found here.
Supported Operating Systems
Supported Browsers & Versions
Additional Plugins
Supported Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows
We support:
- Windows 10 and later
We no longer support Windows Mobile OS, since it was discontinued by Microsoft.
We support two versions back from the current macOS version. As of the last update to this article we support:
- macOS 10.13 (Ventura) and later
We support two versions back from the current iOS version. As of the last update to this article we support:
- iOS 16 and later
Due to the frequency of updates to this operating system, we can only guarantee support for the latest version of chromeOS.
Supported Browsers & Versions
Google Chrome
Due to the frequency of updates to this browser, we can only guarantee support for the latest version of Google Chrome.
Due to the frequency of updates to this browser, we can only guarantee support for the latest version of Safari.
Due to the frequency of updates to this browser, we can only guarantee support for the latest version of Firefox.
Additional Plugins
- We require JavaScript to be enabled for browser support.
- Since Flash was retired by Adobe in December 2020, we have retired all Flash features from BrainPOP.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use BrainPOP on a Promethean or other smart board?
BrainPOP is not designed for use on Promethean boards or any other smart boards. We recommend always using Google Chrome or Firefox to access BrainPOP, and to access on a desktop computer, laptop computer or tablet. We do not offer technical support for smart board use.