We offer a Single Sign-On (SSO) integration with ClassLink and automatic rostering and nightly updates via OneRoster API. This article walks you through setup of the integration.
What you'll Need
ClassLink Overview
Set Up Classlink LTI with OneRoster API
Next Steps
Frequently Asked Questions
What you'll Need
- A paid schoolwide or districtwide plan including at least one of the following products: BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr., BrainPOP ELL.
- Read this article on ClassLink and OneRoster API integration features: Getting Started with Integrations
- ClassLink and OneRoster API admin access for your school or district.
- Your key and secret (if you don't know these details, please share your data and contact us).
ClassLink Overview
ClassLink Launchpad administrators can configure SSO for their schools and or district by setting up LTI launch URLs for BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr, and BrainPOP ELL:
- BrainPOP Launch URL: https://www.brainpop.com/lti/launch.php
- BrainPOP Jr Launch URL: https://jr.brainpop.com/lti/launch.php
- BrainPOP ELL Launch URL: https://ell.brainpop.com/lti/launch.php
- BrainPOP Science Launch URL: https://science.brainpop.com/lti/launch.php
You have the option to set up the launches on the district or school level.
If setting up on the district level, you'll need to add a custom field: custom_oneroster_sourcedid : %usersourcedid%
This integration will provision all teachers, classes, and students at your school or district. Rosters will update with a nightly sync.
NOTE: If your school or district does not OneRoster API, you can still set up an LTI integration with Classlink Launchpad that provides account provisioning on demand. More information regarding this type of setup can be found here.
Set Up ClassLink LTI with OneRoster API
1. Share your roster data with us in the Roster Server Console.
2. Contact us to let us know you've shared your rosters and to get your key and secret.
3. Once you have your key and secret, you are ready to create and assign the BrainPOP app in ClassLink. In the ClassLink Management Console, click on Applications, then Add & Assign Apps.
4. Click Add.
5. Enable the Single Sign-On App toggle, then under Type, select LTI v1.0, then click the Add button.
6. In the modal that pops up, fill out the application form with the following specifications
For Launch URL, you can input launches for any of our three tools:
- https://www.brainpop.com/lti/launch.php if you are setting up the BrainPOP app
- https://jr.brainpop.com/lti/launch.php if you are setting up the BrainPOP Jr. app
- https://ell.brainpop.com/lti/launch.php if you are setting up the BrainPOP ELL app
- https://science.brainpop.com/lti/launch.php if you are setting up the BrainPOP Science app
Enter your provided oAuth Consumer Key and oAuth Consumer Secret into the relevant fields.
The Resource Link ID should be set to SSO and User ID should be set to User SourcedId.
7. Click Add Field then enter a custom field
NAME: custom_oneroster_sourcedid / VALUE: %usersourcedid%
8. Click Save.
9. Assign the app to groups that will be using the app. This will allow us to connect your rosters to our database and provide SSO.
Matching Existing Accounts
If teachers and students are already using individual accounts with your plan before you set up the ClassLink/OneRoster API integration, this section explains how their data is handled when you provision accounts with OneRoster API.
If teacher/staff/admin accounts have been created before the integration, they typically can be matched to the new integration by their email address as long as they're the same. However, they may lose their rosters and assignment data.
Because we only collect a limited amount of student data, student accounts created before the integration cannot be matched to the new student accounts provisioned by the integration.
For this reason, we typically recommend that you clear previous student accounts from your school or district’s BrainPOP plan before provisioning. You can find out more about clearing student data in this article.
Next Steps
Learn more about using the ClassLink/OneRoster API integration. If you are running into issues with the integration, you can find Troubleshoot ClassLink/OneRoster API issues.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the ClassLink/OneRoster integration provision users with Staff/Administrators roles?
Yes, admins and other non-teacher staff shared in ClassLink will be rostered as teachers. Admin access can be added to their account manually by an existing District or School Admin after they have been rostered.
Does the ClassLink/OneRoster API integration support multi-school teachers?
Yes, the integration will link teachers who teach at multiple schools to each of their subscribing schools, as well as their class periods.
Does BrainPOP support co-teachers?
We do! If your class has a co-teacher in your SIS, that data will be synced over, and they will be added as a co-teacher to your BrainPOP class as well.