BrainPOP Apps
Frequently Asked Questions
BrainPOP Apps
We offer free apps for BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr., and BrainPOP ELL. Most apps also offer in-app purchases.
Apps are available from the following app stores:
BrainPOP | BrainPOP Jr. Movie Of The Week | BrainPOP ELL |
Download it here: |
Download it here: |
Download it here: |
BrainPOP: Pelίcula Del Dίa | BrainPOP: Film Du Jour | |
Download it here: |
Download it here: |
You can learn more about the apps in each app store by visiting these articles:
- Manage iOS App subscriptions
- Manage Android App subscriptions
- Manage Amazon App subscriptions
- Manage Windows App subscriptions
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I log into an app subscription?
New! If you subscribe on an Apple device, you should have been prompted to create a username and password for your account, which you can use on mobile or desktop. If you aren't sure of your password, click Forgot Password on the login screen.
Android users:
If you made an in-app purchase to subscribe to any of the apps, you need to be logged into the device on the Apple ID or Google Play account with which you purchased your subscription. In-app purchases do not use BrainPOP usernames and passwords.
If your device is not recognizing your subscription, you can click Restore in-app purchase to authenticate your login. You will either be prompted to enter your app store credentials, or authenticated automatically.
Android app:
If I have an active site subscription, can I use my username and password to log in to the apps?
Yes! BrainPOP site subscriptions allow you to download the free apps and log in using your site credentials.
Can I track student progress while using the app?
New! If you have a Family subscription to BrainPOP, and you are on an iOS device, you can view a timeline of student activity from the app! From your profile, click Movie History to see all movies watched, or Quiz Scores to see past scores. This feature is not yet available on Android devices.
NOTE: If you are logging in to a student account that is part of a school-wide subscription, you cannot work on assignments or see the dashboard from the app. For school users, we recommend using your mobile browser instead.
Can I use my Google or Clever Single Sign-on on the BrainPOP apps?
Currently, our apps do not support signing in with Google or Clever. To use Single Sign-on from a mobile device, visit BrainPOP or BrainPOP Jr. In your mobile browser, click Log In, and then click the appropriate SSO button.
Do the apps have games, activities, or other BrainPOP features and tools?
No. BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr., and BrainPOP ELL apps only contain movies and quizzes. For a full range of features, visit our websites.